You will increase your B-BBEE Score by contributing towards Enterprise Development and help foster an economy for a black business entrepreneur.
Your contribution as a company can be achieved through:
Monetary Donations.
Donation of business goods & services.
Participation in a mentor programme.
Providing procurement opportunities to businesses.
According to the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, companies are required to contribute 3% of Net Profit after Tax (NPAT) towards enterprise development to qualify for the 15 points available in terms of the scorecard.
Original Procurement is certified as fully compliant with the requirements for the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice and all relevant criteria therein for the recognition of Enterprise Development Contributions.
Your donation to Original Procurement will be able to claim 125% of its contributions as Enterprise Development Contributions.
For example, a company donating R10, 000 to Original Procurement will be able to claim R 12, 500 (R 10,000 x 125%) as an Enterprise Development Contribution.
Any donations of goods or services, which will assist in the operation of my office, development of the clients and expansion of existing operations, are greatly appreciated.
Overhead costs, which are allocated to supporting the activities of Original Procurement and not directly incurred may be recognized at a benefit factor of 80%. However, with the enhancement factor of 1.25, 100% of the allocated overhead cost may be claimed for scorecard purposes.